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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Belly buttons and the church

We all have one.  A belly button that is.

Some have "outies".  Some have "inies."

(I know what you are thinking - where in the world is he going with this - and how does it apply to the church?)

Well, a church can have an outward focus or an inward focus. 

A church can move forward by faith and seek to save the lost - or it can be mired in the past and the sole end game of meeting its own felt needs.

As a church, are we an "iny" or are we an "outy"?

Jesus said in Mark 11:20-23, "Have faith in God.  I assure you that you can say to this mountain, 'May God lift you up and throw you into the sea,' and your command will be obeyed.  All that's required is that you really believe and do not doubt in your heart."

Some people along the way have stopped believing in a mountain -moving God because:

- A small group experience didn't meet their expectations, so they no longer believe God can lead them to the right group.

- The people they invited to church came but did not become Christ-followers, so they no longer believe that the Holy Spirit can use them to reach the lost.

- They tithed but still suffered a tragedy in their life, so they stopped believing that God would bless their obedience.

- Someone in the church hurt them, so they don't trust anyone, anymore, at anytime.

When people stop believe in a mountain-moving God they:

- establish more policies and committees that help the church steer clear of pain.

- get stuck in their favorite ways to "do" church so they can feel secure.

- criticize their leaders for taking chances.

- chose to be suspicious of their people (leaders) rather than trusting.

- shy away from making difficult decisions.

- actually begin to believe that the church is only about them and their ministry.

- fill their conversations with what has happened in the past.  "I remember when we (and you fill in the blank)," they say.

Here's what I would suggest for 2012.  In order for our church to be blessed and bear fruit we must stop being "inies" in the faith and become "outies".

We must focus on those who do not know Jesus while at the same time focusing our attention on the amazing power of the Holy Spirit!

Any church can be an "iny" (with a sole focus on themselves, their feelings, their needs, and their wants). 

May God help us to continue to look outward - to a lost and dying world.

Will you join me?  Will you join me as we attempt to reach the lost through Upward Basketball, City Church outreach, inviting people to our small groups, bringing someone to church, talking about Christ with someone on a weekly, if not a daily basis?

And God will bless us for it.  God will bless you for it.

Just a thought for a Tuesday.

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