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Thursday, September 22, 2011

going and coming

It happens all the time doesn't it?

I know it does to me.

You leave your home and go to a place where you have never been.  Even when you have the directions, there can be difficult choices to make.  Should I turn here?  Should I go there?

Many times you find yourself going down the wrong path.  Making a wrong turn. 

Finally, you reach your destination.  It seems like it has taken forever. 

And then on the way back, you know the way.  And....isn't it always true that the way back always seems shorter than the way going?

It always seems like it takes a shorter amount of time going home than it does going to your destination.

It's the same way in our walk with God.

Many find themselves leaving their "home" of a walk with God - to go on a journey that takes many twists and turns - only to find themselves far away from Him.

It seems like the journey takes forever.

But once you and I decide to go back "home," God readily accepts us.  God embraces us.  God forgives us.  God loves on us.  God takes us back immediately.  In an instant.

The journey back to God is always shorter than the journey away from Him.

I am thankful for that this day, this Thursday.

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