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Tuesday, September 28, 2010


You’ve heard of Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Emotions Anonymous and Overeaters Anonymous. But have you ever heard of OLDER BROTHERS ANONYMOUS?

The older brother in the parable of the prodigal was mean spirited, critical, complaining and negative. 

Have you ever been to a "confession service" where people have confessed their sins?  I have.  They might say, "I'm dealing with (name your substance) and need prayer."  Or, "I'm having a problem with lust, or gambling."  Or, "I am dealing with depression."

But not one time have I ever heard someone stand up and say, "I am dealing with a negative, complaining spirit and need prayer."

That especially bears fruit (in the negative sense) with this whole thing of saying or writing something under the guise of being "anonymous". 

Nothing is more destructive, mean, or sinful as writing or saying something negative or critical under the category of being "anonymous". 

The Bible tells us that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of peace, of love and of a sound mind (2 Timothy 1:7).

"Anonymous" words, "anonymous" comments create fear in the body of Christ and are meant (either intentionally or unintentionally) to intimidate, cause dissension and anxiety.

Beside all of that - they are cowardly. 

Disclaimer:  I am not talking about giving anonymously, or giving praise anonymously, or doing something nice for someone anonymously - in fact the Bible praises such actions and attitudes.

But you know what I mean.

Here is my counsel to the body of Christ:

Don’t write or say anything that you won’t sign your name to.

If you receive a negative, anonymous note, ignore it! If they’re not willing to sign their name, it’s not worth reading. Don’t take heed to it.

Like the pastor who received an anonymous note with nothing but the word “FOOL!” written on it. The next morning he got in church and said, “I’ve gotten many notes without signatures before, but this is the first time I got one where someone forgot to write the note and just signed his name!”

Finally, if you have found yourself making negative, anonymous comments, ask God for forgiveness - because ultimately, you are only hurting yourself.  Do you really think God doesn't notice that stuff?

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