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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Worship and change

We had a wonderful time of worship last night as we gathered together here at Stone Church for a time of prayer and fasting.

What was really cool was that the Holy Spirit led our service. From spending time on our knees and faces, to praying for our community to the east, west, north and south, to giving God a shout of praise and a clap offering, we, together, went through a litany of worship and praise to God.

There is a second component to our worship as well. We worship God together as we did last night and then we experience God in our every day lives the next day, and the following day and the days to come.

Worship, to truly be worship, must bring about some change in our lives.

We must continually ask ourselves after a great time of worship: "Am I kinder? Am I gentler? Am I controlling my tongue? Am I less apt to fly off the handle in anger."

Worship, to truly be worship, changes me in some way. It leads me to minister in the giftings God has given me, this is true, but it also bears forth the fruit of the Spirit in my life: self-control, patience, joy, etc.

May we all continue to worship God with all of our heart, soul, mind and spirit!

My we all continue to worship God in spirit and in truth!

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