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Thursday, August 11, 2005

To love or not to love that is question

Loving others is a key to experiencing all of the fruit of the Spirit. Peace, joy, self-control, patience, they all stem from the desire and ability to love others.

But here's what I know. To love others, I must first of all understand and realize how much God loves me.

God's love is an unconditional love.

God wants us to receive his love and his healing. And then he desires that we turn around and give his love and healing to those who are hurting.

It's so important that we all receive healing from past emotional wounds, not only to be cleansed from the past but to deal with the future and fresh wounds that might come our way.

Hurting people hurt people
Hurting people hurt easily.

None of us will never reach a place where we will be hurt again, yet God is always there, available to heal your every wound, both old and new.

Receive your healing today, for if you don't that old wound will keeping opening up and bleeding if someone hurts your feelings that "one more time."

When I experience the love of God that heals me, I will find it easy to get along with others.

I will begin to see that people with whom I have had trouble with in the past are no better or worse than anybody else. I can shake off something that might have offended me and go on.

When you and I receive God's love, we are so grateful for what he is doing in our lives that we are ready to let His love start to flow through us to the unloveable, the obnoxious, and the people who are just the same way we used to be (or still are) before we realized the extent of God's love.

Love God today and realize that he loves you! Just a thought....

1 comment:

Jon said...

Unconditional love, that's what I think of when I think about God (which is a lot so love is on my mind often) and it's what I strive to have people think of when they think of me and my family. Trying to become more like Jesus is our goal and, actually how much our love for God and people shows is also a measure of our spiritual maturity. That last part comes from "Creating Community" which is the book small group leaders are currently working their way through during meetings. I've learned a lot through reading this book; a lot about how to do small groups but also a lot about how I want to live my life and be remembered for when I'm gone. I could think of no greater compliment than to hear "God's love was visible in his face."

Let's all strive for that, if you would. Let the love of (and for) God be evident in all that you do and be visible in your face (countenance) when you do it!

Love God, Love People...four words that mean the world!
