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Monday, April 21, 2014

Thoughts from the weekend

Thoughts from the weekend:
If you can't get excited about Easter - your "wood is wet" - and your need your fire lit once again!
Powerful services yesterday.  God's spirit was present.
Many, many thanks to all of our volunteers who helped make it such a special Sunday.  The list is long - greeters, ushers, choir members, children's workers, etc.  Each person so important to our ministry here. 
From my heart to yours - thank you very much!
Many raised their hand for salvation or a recommitment to Jesus Christ.  Praise God!
There is a sense of excitement in our church - for which I am grateful to the Holy Spirit.
This whole thing is about Jesus.  Lifting up the name of Jesus.  Praising the name of Jesus.  Giving glory to Jesus.
Thanks also to our pastoral team.  What a wonderful group God has put together!
He is risen!  The cornerstone of our faith.
I spoke with a young man yesterday who rebooted his relationship with Christ.  Powerful stuff!
Once again, let me say with gratitude how much I have appreciated your prayers the past few weeks. 
It is a great encouragement and comfort to me to know that so many people are lifting me up to God in prayer.
We had 68 kids in Kid's Hub yesterday!
I am prayerfully anticipating us carrying our spiritual momentum into the summer.
Ministry opportunity:  I encourage all of us to reach out to people we don't know in the foyer.  Shake their hand.  Ask about their life.  Let them feel the love of Jesus which is in all of our hearts.
It is an old cliché now in the kingdom of God:  People don't care how much you know until they know how much you care.
Here's what I know:  I can deal with the ambiguities and insecurities of life as long as my focus is on that person who is certain, who is secure, who can not be moved - and that person is Jesus Christ.
A story I didn't get to in the second service:
Ben Patterson writes:
"Bruce Larson had an unusual way of convincing people to turn their lives over to Jesus Christ.  When he was working in New York city, he would walk a man or woman downtown to the front of the RCA building on Fifth Avenue.  In front of the building there is a gigantic statue of a massively proportioned, magnificently muscled Atlas, the world resting on his shoulders.  As powerfully built as he is, he is straining under the weight, barely able to stand. 
Larson would say, "Now that's one way to live, trying to carry the world on your shoulders.  But now come across the street with me."
Across the street is St. Patrick's Cathedral.  There behind the altar is a little shrine of the boy Jesus.  He appears to be no more than eight or nine years old.  As little and as frail as he appears, he is holding the world in one hand!  Then Larson would says, "We have a choice.  We can carry the world on our shoulders, or we can say, "I give up, lord; here's my life.  I give you my world, the whole world."
Love you all.....

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