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Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Trust and temptation

Here's what I know:

I trust you - but I don't trust the tempter.

Author and minister Bob Russell writes:

"When I was a teenager, my mother had a rule:  don't ever bring your girlfriend to our house when no one is here.  And I'd always say, "Mom, why?  Don't you trust me?"

(That can be a tool your kids can use to try to deflect what they are doing or going to do).

Pastor Russell writes, "She always had the same answer.  "No.  That's too much temptation."  She did not say, "It looks bad to other people.  I don't trust her; I do trust you."  She said, "No, that's too much temptation."

Finally he writes, "I would act like I was really hurt.  My own mother doesn't trust me.  That's terrible.  I'd walk away and deep inside I would think, My mother's pretty sharp.  she knows what I'm thinking.  My mother believe in the sin nature - that it needed to be restrained more than my self-esteem needed to be boosted.  Otherwise, maybe I wouldn't be here today."

So with those around you, let them know that you do trust them - but you don't trust the enemy of our souls who is out to destroy us.

Just a thought for a Wednesday.

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