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Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Preparing for God to move

We are praying for a move of God - but are we prepared for that move?

Are you, yourself, preparing for God's move?  Are you actively preparing yourself and our church for what He wants to do?

Or are you relying on others?

Are you relying on others to pray - to promote - to plan - and to prepare?

What if the catalyst for the next great move of God at Stone Church was entirely dependent upon you?

It is a challenge for you today: 

Get your hands dirty, get down in the trenches, fight the way for God's Kingdom to come rushing in. 

I encourage you to find your place so that when the wind of God's Holy Spirit blows again, you will be operating and flowing in the Spirit, right were He needs you to be.

You may have dreams and vision (for yourself and/or for our church) of the future, and that's good, but I would suggest that NOW is the time to aggressively pursue the call of God on your life.

You can't learn to play the piano or ski or anything else without beginning, practicing, taking lessons, and trying.  So what if you fail!  Try again!

It doesn't matter how old  you are - nor how young.  Learn.  Grow.  Plan.  Volunteer.  Dream big and pursue those dreams 

Separate yourself from those who are only dreaming about doing something - and then do it!

Get out of the rut you are in.  Get up out of the dullness of your life and purse with strength what God has given you to do.

I sense that you are dissatisfied with the direction your life is going.  Well, then, Let me encourage you that God's got something better for you, but YOU have to chase it down.

Be aggressive with the Spirit of God and begin declaring that you will not just "wait and see" how things turn out, but that you will do it.

Anyway, just a thought for a Tuesday.

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