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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Is God enough?

Is God enough?

It seems like that question has been haunting me lately.

Is God enough?

We know that God is more than enough to meet our spiritual, directional, emotional and physical needs.

We are people of faith.

We know that.

But what if our need aren't met - is God enough?  And what if our needs are met - is God enough?

God comes and speaks to Abraham in Genesis 15.  The context is that Abram is looking around at his enemies who have surrounded him and felt dejected that he hadn't made any progress.

And God tells him two things:  I am your shield, and I am your reward.

I that single verse (Genesis 15:1), God has given us the secret to the greatest blessing any of us (as followers of Christ) can ever receive. 

The Lord is telling Abram, "Go ahead and look at all those armies surrounding you.  Nobody can touch you because I am your protector.  Entrust your future into my hands."

He is our shield.

But he is also our reward.

God promises Abram a son.  And he says to Abram here, "You will have your son, and he will be a joy to you - but I will be the One who fulfills your deepest needs."

God knows all about human nature.

He knew that Abraham would have a great measure of joy when he got his son.

Abraham could then say, "God did it!  He promised this to me, and He kept his Word."

Yet God also knew that Abraham would not be totally fulfilled when the child came.  (Sometimes when we get what we want - we either want more or find out that it doesn't completely fulfill us).

God knew that Abraham would still have an inner hunger, a restlessness, an inexplicable need that no earthly thing could fulfill.

We do that don't we? 

"If only I could get this".  "Or go on that vacation". 

"Or have this person in my life."  "Or have this person out of my life."

"Then I would be happy."

"It will make my life wonderful and end all my problems."

No it won't.  Only God himself can fully satisfy our deepest need.

Is God enough for you?

Just a thought for a Wednesday.

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