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Wednesday, May 06, 2009

The European Union and the Antichrist

We're in the process of going though Revelation on Wednesday nights, verse by verse. Tonight we look at verse 13.

The Antichrist.
The false prophet.
The rise of the European Union.
The mark of the beast.
The number of the beast - 666.

Wild stuff.

One of my favorite authors on this subject is Pastor Mark Hitchcock. Mark gives a sane, rational, biblical approach to prophecy and I would encourage you to pick some of his stuff up and read it (if you are interested in the subject).

Today I read one of his blogs (which I have included below).

It speaks of the European Union and what is happening. Having lived quite a bit in Europe, it continually blows me away that there is one common currency (the Euro). To have several very nationalistic countries agree to that - incredible.

Read his blog. What really strikes me are two things:

The trend toward having 10 countries in the executive leadership council.
The trend toward having one elected, more permanent leader.

Mark writes, "Very late, on Saturday, June 23, 2007, the EU Summit in Brussels came to an end. One of the key objectives during the summit was to hammer out a new treaty to replace the failed EU Constitution that was rejected by Dutch and French voters. After some very bitter haggling, primarily instigated by Poland, EU leaders finally agreed on guidelines for drafting a new EU treaty. The primary purpose of the new treaty, according to EU officials, is to strengthen the EU’s foreign policy role. They want a politically strong Europe. The treaty is expected to be ratified by June 2009.

One of the most fascinating features of the new treaty is the creation of a new permanent, full-time presidency of the European Council. Currently, the EU presidency lasts only six months and rotates among the bloc’s 27 member states. According to Financial Times (June 15), the new office of EU president "would have few formal powers, but would give the EU strategic leadership and represent the bloc on the world stage on issues such as climate change, bilateral relations and development in conjunction with the new foreign minister." ABC News reported on June 25, 2007: "The EU’s executive arm the European Commission would be trimmed from 27 to 17 seats. The post of EU president with a maximum term of five years will be created to replace the system of rotating national leaders into the job." Many, including the new French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, are already pushing for Tony Blair as the first full-time EU President. Of course, he’s denying any interest in the post.

The Bible predicts that in the end times, the reunited Roman Empire will be ruled by a "Group of Ten" leaders, or a governing oligarchy, much like the present European Council or European Commission. Interestingly, the European Commission has just been trimmed from 27 to 17 seats. This could easily be further whittled to 10 seats, and the stage would be set for the Group of Ten predicted in Daniel 2 and 7, and Revelation 17. Also, the new full-time EU presidency, with its term of up to five years, could easily set the stage for the rise on one man to take over the EU and use this platform to forge key alliances and dominate the world—just as the Bible predicts.

In another related story, on June 21, European Union leaders gave Cyprus and Malta the okay to join the euro currency zone in January. Final approval will come from EU finance ministers on July 10. The addition of Cyprus and Malta will bring the number of countries using the currency to 15. Cyprus and Malta will bring just over 1 million people to the 318 million who currently use the euro.

As events in the Middle East continue to dominate world news, the EU is quietly moving toward the form and structure that could easily pave the way for the man of sin to rise to power over the reunited Roman Empire just as the Bible predicts. His first move will be a great foreign policy victory when he brings Israel to the table to sign a peace treaty (Daniel 9:27). This kind of greater foreign policy role is precisely what the EU envisions will result from its new treaty.

While no one knows for sure if the Antichrist is alive today, we can say that the scene is being set for his appearance. Make sure you have accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Savior before it’s too late."

I readily agree with the last statement.

In reality, I am not looking for the antichrist, I am looking for Jesus Christ.

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