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Monday, April 21, 2008


Hope. It's so important in our lives. We need hope. For many, hope is what keeps them alive.

Henri Nouwen has written in his book, "The Wounded Healer," "A man can keep his sanity and stay alive as long as there is at least one person who is waiting for him. The mind of man can indeed rule his body even when there is little health left. A dying mother can stay alive to see her son before she gives up the struggle, a soldier can prevent his mental and physical disintegration when he knows that his wife and children are waiting for him. But when "nothing and nobody" is waiting, there is no chance to survive in the struggle for life."

What are you placing your hope in today? Where is your hope?

As the old hymn says, "My hope is built on nothing less, than Jesus blood and righteousness."

Our hope must be continually in God. Other will fail us. We will fail others. But God will never fail us. He's consistent.

Hope is:


Hold on today - don't let go.

Pray, but pray expecting God to move.

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