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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Awesome worship

"You're awesome." "That movie was awesome." "The book I read was awesome." "That was an awesome meal."

And then - "God is awesome."

Nothing wrong with using the word awesome, it's just that when we use it in the context of God it pales in comparison.

What's more important - that we experience "awesome worship" or that we worship an "awesome God"?

The Bible says in Job 25:2, "Dominion and awe belong to God."

We sing about honor and praise and glory and power belonging to God. What about awe?

The bible says in Psalms 89:7, "The highest angelic powers stand in awe of god. He is far more awesome than than those who surround his throne."

In the early church, one of the bullet points to their power was the fact that "everyone was filled with awe" (Acts 2:43).

The first followers of Christ walked in the awe of God.

They had the big picture. God was big enough in their eyes that they were willing to risk their lives for Him.

We need that kind of encounter with God at Stone Church. We need an encounter with God that fills us with awe and reverence. There's a stirring in my spirit that fills me with a holy urgency to delve deeper into the wonder of who He is.

Do you long for that same sense of intimacy? Do you long for that same sense of connection with God?

May it be so.

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