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Monday, July 02, 2007

Faith as a way of life.

I'm learning something about faith that fits into the direction and vision of not only our church but my personal walk with God.

Since the reformation period, and the rise of empiricism, the word faith has become focused on belief. Doctrine. Head knowledge. Facts. To know God is to have a right understanding of the doctrines of the church. We even call some Christians, "believers."

But faith is so much more than that. Faith rises out of a right relationship with God. Faith has three components, three words that give definition to the word. Trust, faithfulness and Vision. Trust meaning the ability to put my life in the hands of God no matter what the circumstances are. Faithfulness meaning the ability to be consistent in following the teachings of God's Word. To not commit "adultery" by giving into the temptations of the world. Vision meaning having a positive perspective on life. That's not a pollyannish view of the world. We view the world through lenses of reality, yet knowing that in the end, in the eternal scheme of things, God is in control and we can rejoice.

Faith is heart knowledge. Faith is a way of life. It's more than sitting in a church service and believing things that are being taught. It's living the principles of God's word. It's a way of life.

Our vision of love God, love others and serve others, connected by relationship is consistent with this.

In the past, the church has spent 80% of their time on doctrine head knowledge, and 20% of the principles of living the faith or heart knowledge.

God is calling us to do the reverse. How much "head knowledge" does one have to have before they are "saved" and "sanctified".

Before you write me off as some kind of heretic, please know that doctrine is important. Belief is one of the anchors of our "faith".

But God is calling us to spend 80% of our time on "living the faith" and 20% of our time immersing ourselves in right doctrine.

There is such a mystery to knowing God and having faith in Him. Perhaps our journey should be to not know God in a more systematic way, but to know Him closer in a personal way, day by day.

Just some thoughts.

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