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Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Tom Taft came over and helped me plant a Crimson King Norway Maple recently (actually I stood there and watched him do it).

It is described as a tree with rich maroon leaf color throughout the growing season. Very adaptable, tolerates hot, dry conditions. Provides dense shade. Excellent ornamental tree.

Requires full sun. Grows well in almost any type soil. But here's the kicker: "Will reach 30-40' tall and 25-35' wide in about 35 years.

Okay, now. 35 years! I will be 85!

The point? The point is that I'm entering the season of my life where several of the things I start - I will not see to the end.

That's why the move from success to significance becomes of greater importance.

What am I doing today that will outlast me for eternity? What am I doing this week that will have a profound effect on someones life who will then influence someone else who will then...well you get the point.

That's why the greatest joy I know receive is not how many people we can see sitting in our building on a Sunday morning (and that's still a passion of mine), but spending time with people, coaching, mentoring, leaving a part of my journey in theirs. That, my friends, will outlast me forever.

Significance. May you be blessed this day...and be a blessing that others might be influenced for eternity.

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