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Thursday, June 07, 2007


Are you prejudiced? It's a hard question. None of us, if we are sane, want to be, yet we can all find it creeping into our everyday lives. I know what you are thinking. You're thinking of racial prejudice, harboring ill-will toward others of a different color or race.

But it can go even beyond that. We can be prejudiced toward others who do not think the same way we do politically. We can look down on those who don't agree with us doctrinally.

We can even be prejudiced toward still others who don't dress the way we do, act the way we do or talk the way we do.

Here's the deal. Sometimes we aren't even aware of how deeply rooted our prejudices are.

We like to be comfortable. We like to be around others who are like us.

So, today, let's remind ourselves that God loves "those other people," just as much as He loves you and I. Paul writes in Galatians 3:28, "There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

Let's don't strive for everyone being the same; let's rejoice in the diversity and the ways that God has created us!

As the old song goes, "what the world needs now, is love, sweet love."

Father, forgive us for treating those around us with prejudice. Forgive us for desiring that everyone be "just like us." Thank you for your unconditional love. Thank you that you love me in spite of my failures and weaknesses. Amen

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