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Wednesday, October 19, 2005

God's way is the right way

As much as I sometimes don't want to admit it, God's way is always the right way.

In my sinfulness and rebellion, and in spite of my spiritual growth, I find myself digging in my heels at certain points of my life and insisting that I go my own way. Or worst still, I go my own way and don't consult with God first.

The Bible is full of guideposts that show us the way. With those things that are not clearly marked, we have the Holy Spirit to lead us.

Listen to this story:

As a ship approached the coast of New England, a heavy fog set in. The ship's radar detected what appeared to be another vessel in its path, so the captain sent the following message:

"Change your course 10 degrees port."

Shortly they received a reply:
"Change YOUR course 10 degree starboard."

The captain became annoyed and said:
"I am a Lt. Commander of the U.S. Navy. Change your course."

This was the response:
"I am a seaman 3rd class. Change your course."

By now the captain was furious. His message read:
"This is a battleship! Change your course."

Moments later a message came across the wire that said:
"This is a Lighthouse! Change Your Course!"

There are certain laws at work in the universe, and no amount of power, or money, or influence can change them.

These laws are God's laws. He designed them to work for us, not against us. In order for this to happen, we sometimes have to change our course. His laws don't change; we must change.

God's way is always the right way.

When we try to find happiness, fulfillment, and meaning in life through any method other than a personal relationship with God, we are setting ourselves up for failure.

Drugs won't do it. Alcohol won't do it. Hours watching T.V. won't do it. More money won't to it. Bigger vacations won't do it.

But it doesn't have to be that way. We can change our course at anytime. We can choose life over death; we can choose spiritual blessings over self-destruction.

God doesn't change his course to accommodate us, but if we are willing to change our course, to chart the path of lives in his direction, he will to open his arms wide to receive us, and will shower us with blessings from heaven.

These are his words...

"I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live, and that you may love the Lord your God, listen to his voice, and hold fast to him. For the Lord is your life..." (Deuteronomy 30:19-20)

God's way is always the right way.

1 comment:

Jon said...

Amen and Amen. Having walked outside (way outside) of God's plan and ways, suffering the misfortunes of life without any hope of restoration (at least in my mind), I really can see the impact that following what God wants for me, following His Word and His way, has in my life. The blessings that He has wrought in my life (family, church, home, work, health, contentment, etc.) since I rededicated my life to Him are phenomenal...but even without them, I will praise His name and give Him the glory for my life. I was a sinner and I was my name is in the Book of Life and I have been washed clean of my stains. That's all I really need to get by...the knowledge that, when all is said and done and I leave this mortal existence, I will rest in the arms of my Lord forever.

With all the other things that God has blessed me with, I try to give back as much as I can...not that I'm always successful or always even generous in word or deed (something that I'm working on real hard) but I try to share God (in all His manifestations in my life) with those I come in contact with throughout my day. That's our task, to try to be better each and every try and be like Jesus each and every minute. If we can do that, then we can positively affect those we come in contact with and, as they see God working in (and through) us, they will want what we have. Love, unconditional and sweet, for and from our Savior.

I love you all, even those I have yet to meet.
