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Monday, October 10, 2005

Dr. James Dobson's comments

I think it falls under the "what in the world?" category. Before Harriet Miers was named as a nominee for the Supreme Court Justice, Bush's top political adviser, Karl Rove, carefully stroked the evangelical leader. I quote a news source:

"Dobson endorsed Miers, somewhat enigmatically declaring, "Some of what I know I am not at liberty to talk about." To the chattering classes, Dobson was speaking in code: his remark was widely translated to mean that he had been reassured that Miers would vote to reverse the Supreme Court's 1973 decision, Roe v. Wade, giving women a constitutional right to abortion."

Will his endorsement help or hurt her cause? Now Senator Arlen Specter is verbalizing calling James Dobson to testify on his conversation with Karl Rove. Will that "box in" Ms. Miers and force her to share her true convictions about abortion, thus swinging the left and some of the right totally against her?

Or did Dr. James Dobson do the right thing by endorsing her, thereby assuring the right of her "viability" to serve on the Supreme Court?

And what about him saying, "some of what I know I am not at liberty to talk about." Should he have left that sentence unsaid and not draw attention to the fact that "he is in the know?"

Just some random thoughts about a very important decision that the leadership of our country will be making concerning the direction of the morals and ethics of our great country in years to come.

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