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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Right and Wrong

In our discussion time last night, we were sharing on whether or not there is a "right" or "wrong" way to worship.

The comment was made that, "there is a right and wrong way for everything."

At first, in my own thoughts, as I was leading the discussion, I readily agreed with that.

However, as we continued to talk, I begin to realize, that perhaps, just perhaps, there is NOT a right and wrong for everything in life.

Sometimes in life, things are not black and white.

Life is full of grays.

We Westerners think in black and white, we have a difficult time handling the grays. Most of the rest of the world does not.

Jesus himself lived in Israel, in Palestine, in a culture and mindset that did not think in a linear manner, having to connect all of the dots.

We do.

There are many gray areas of life.

Sometimes life calls us to live in the grays - and be comfortable with that - knowing that ultimately - God is in control.

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