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Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Dream Big - commit big!

Dream big – commit big!

Here’s what I know and am learning: We always rise to the level of commitment that we are challenged to.

That’s the intent of my thoughts today:

I challenge you, in the next 6 months, to commit yourself totally to our Stone Church relocation process.

We need you. We need all of us participating.

You might think this today that I am speaking to those who are the least committed in our church family, or even the semi-committed in our congregation.

Yet, people do what people see. If our church body sees us as leaders totally committed to Kingdom work, I am convinced others will follow.

And so….I am asking for commitment. Commitment from each one of us – but most assuredly from ministry leaders, deacons, elders and pastors.

There is an old story that I have told for years that goes like this:

A chicken and a pig were walking past a church building one day when they noticed the Sunday morning sermon posted on the outside bulletin board, “Helping the Poor.” They walked away when the chicken suddenly came across with a suggestion. “Brother Pig, why don’t we give all the poor people a nice breakfast of ham and eggs?” The pig thought a moment and replied, “That’s all right for you to say because for you it is only a contribution, but for me, it’s a total commitment!”

Can I be candid with you?

It’s amazing that many community organizations require more from participants than local churches do. If you have ever been a little league parent (and any other activity that your kids can be involved in) you know that when your child signs up to play, you are required to make a major, major commitment in terms of providing refreshments, transportation, trophies, and victory parties in addition to attendance.

I know this because I coached little league for years.

There was nothing voluntary about it! It was required if you wanted to participate.
You might say, “Man, George, I’m already committed already, how can you ask for more?”

So…that leads us to the question, you and I are committed – but are we committed to the right things? I would suggest to you that the reason why we have so many weak Christians today is that they are half-committed to two dozen causes rather than being totally committed to one or two that have eternal significance.

For many people the barrier to spiritual growth is not a lack of commitment, but over commitment to things that have only temporal value.

Please don’t get me wrong. All of the things that we are involved in might not be wrong, but I am suggesting that we just don’t forget about God. And His Kingdom. And His work.

Jesus pointed this out in the parable of the Sower in Luke 8:14, “The seed that fell among thorns stand for those who hear, but as they go on their way they are choked by life’s worries, riches and pleasures, and they do not mature.”

My prayer is this: “Father, help us to make right commitments.” “Help us to give ourselves away to a cause bigger than ourselves.”

We dream big, but let’s “commit” big as well.

Let’s commit ourselves to:

- Praying daily for the relocation process
- Working diligently to make sure that it happens (specifically in August)
- Giving faithfully to the vision that God has implanted within our hearts
- Persevering in the midst of challenges
- Relying upon the Holy Spirit as we move ahead

We can do this!

You see, the “end game”, the “goal” is not just to physically relocate our church, but to recast our vision so that we can reach even more people for Jesus Christ!

I see our campus on 183rd street as a Pentecostal lighthouse to the entire highway 80 corridor – from the Indiana border to Joliet and beyond!

That’s our vision! It’s a dream that is bigger than we are!

And let me tell you, God will bless us. But even more importantly, perhaps, is that God will bless the generation that comes behind us.

We stand on the commitment of those who have gone before us. Can we not but do the same?

I think of my kids, your kids, and then their kids. I desire that we leave a legacy that will not only last a will but have eternal results. We are building more than “just” a building; we are building God’s Kingdom.

At 183rd street:

I see people connecting to Christ.
I see people being baptized in the Holy Spirit.
I see people being healed.
I see people growing in God.
I see people becoming leaders in the Kingdom.
I see people leading others to Christ.

Finally, you might say, “I’m not in a position to commit myself to the vision, to the dream.”

Well, begin with the commitment that you have. And then be willing to grow into it.
It’s like choosing to become a parent. Very few couples feel competent to parent before they have their first child. But somehow, someway, after the decision is made and the baby is born, the couple grows into their parenting role.

I know that there are many in our church family who are just waiting to be asked. Well…I am asking you today!

What God desires from us is a willing heart! Join me today, and let’s see God do great things!

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