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Thursday, July 09, 2009

My Grandmother

Late this afternoon I am going to Springfield, Missouri (coming back Saturday) for one purpose. To get my picture taken with five generations of Flatterys.

The picture will consist of my grandmother, my dad, myself, my daughter and my granddaughter.

As the commercial says:

Cost of flight
Cost of meals

The picture itself - priceless.

I know that in a few years, after grandma is with Jesus, that I am going to cherish this picture. In fact, now that I think about it, I will put it on my blog next week so that everyone can see it.

My grandmother has always had a special place in my heart.

If you are like me, with our parents or our grandparents, we see them at a certain age and that never seems to change.

To me, my grandmother is around 50 years old (near the age I am now - hard to believe), vibrant, alive, full of life, painting, cooking pies, roast beef, potatoes, carrots, (we call that "Sunday dinner").

The thing I really cherish about her was her ability to listen, and listen unconditionally - without any judgement call provided.

I loved that about her.

A few weeks ago, she nearly died, now she is back, once again, doing well.

I always say that probably, my grandmother will be standing over my grave saying the "Our Father," when I die. Some are blessed living long, long lives.

She is 95.

One thing I could never really understand about her and grandpa when I was growing up (I lived with them one summer) was the way that her and grandpa would "yip" at one another, and how could they still love one another?

Now I understand. Debbie and I love one another deeply, yet we have our moments of "yipping" as well (I am making that word up - it stands for kind of nagging at one another). I know that Grandpa and Grandma loved each other deeply.

Well, I look forward to seeing her tomorrow, and being with my grandchild.

I just came back from visiting Candice and Augie Insalaco in the hospital. They just had a beautiful 7 pound 4 ounce boy - Noah Thomas.

It made me want to hug my granddaughter this evening all the more.

We are looking forward to a great day on Sunday - Ground Breaking Day for our church!

You won't want to miss Sunday's service and the ceremony itself.

It's exciting!

Please know that Debbie and I love you a lot!

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