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Wednesday, April 04, 2007

True community

Someone once said that, "community is the place where the person you least want to live with always lives."

Isn't there always that one person that bugs you?

Here's what I know and what I learn over and over again. Just about the time someone that really irritates me leaves my life in whatever way, someone else comes along.

I can't choose or not choose who is going to be "my brother," or "my sister" in the faith. God calls me to live with them as fellow followers of Christ in His kingdom.

We have this pollyanish idea that kingdom living is some kind of sentimental love fest, where everybody walks in perfect harmony and loves each other. That is never, I repeat, never goign to happen.

We all need to be trained to realize that community, true biblical community doesn't mean emotional harmony.

We are all on such different levels spiritually and emotionally. We are all in different seasons of our lives.

We are all on different paths, growing at different rates and levels.

And then there's the thought that maybe, just maybe, I am that person that really bugs someone, that person that they are thinking, "if only I could just not have them in my life."

It works both ways.

May we be filled with grace today to accept those who we feel are unacceptable, and love those who find us unlovable.

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