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Monday, October 05, 2015

Thoughts from the weekend

Thoughts from the weekend

We are now into some fall weather.  Beautiful stuff.

God is good - all the time.
Thank you to those who prayed for my dad - his second surgery last Thursday was a "success"!  We are still waiting on the results of the biopsy - but the doctors feel they got all of the cancer.  We are grateful!

When you have a need - plant a seed.

I always enjoying being in the presence of the Lord in worship on Sunday mornings.

We have such a giving congregation.

Many thanks to everyone who makes Sunday mornings "happen"!  I don't have an official count in front of me of all those who participate - but we are grateful for all that you do!

If you haven't been baptized in water yet - or have and would like to be baptized again as a sign of your recommitment to Christ, please feel free to sign up in the foyer this Sunday.  Water Baptismal time:  Sunday, October 18th - first service.

Wasn't the presentation from the kids Nicaragua wonderful yesterday?  These are kids taken off of the streets of Nicaragua - who have come to Christ - and are expressing their love for God in the way they know how - through doing flips, etc.
Just as a side note:  If I tried to do what they were doing - I wouldn't be walking today.  :) :)
Thanks for giving to the building fund - and making faith pledges!  I know that the Holy Spirit lead you to give by His revelation!
Let's continue to press in and pray - pray for our church family, pray that more people would come to Christ - pray that God's healing power will touch those who are sick in our church body - pray for the leadership of our church - the list goes on and on.  There is power in prayer!
People need the Lord!
Let me encourage you today, in the midst of all of the stress and pressure, to stop and even physically raise your hands and praise God.  Place everything in His hands, and I would suggest that there is no other place we would rather be than in God's hands!
Debbie and I love you all.........

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