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Tuesday, August 19, 2014

God calls us to wait upon Him

Here's what I know:
We can't give what we don't have.
It is important that as we minister in God's kingdom - that we spend time in his presence; waiting.
Asking for more of His power in our lives.
We cannot minister or live life in our flesh.
God calls us to wait upon Him.
To walk in the spirit means that I wait upon God.
Jesus in Acts 1:4 said, "Do not leave Jerusalem (and do ministry) but wait for the gift my Father promised, which you have heard me speak about (the baptism in the Holy Spirit)."
Waiting on God is not something passive where I sit and a chair and do nothing.
It means you only do what God tells you to do, what God anoints you to do and what God give you permission to do.  Then you don't do anything else until God tells you to do something else.
God calls us to wait upon Him.
Waiting releases the anointing.   Many times as we pray - we talk too much.  Instead we need to go into prayer and humble ourselves by saying, "God, I don't know what to say.  I don't have anything to say that is going to make sense.  If you don't anoint this, it isn't going to get through, so I'm going to wait upon you.  Speak to me, Lord."
And then God's anointing is released. 
Wait upon God before a situation is confronted.
Wait upon God before a person(s) are confronted.
Wait upon God before any endeavor that you attempt that will need the foundation and help of the Holy Spirit.
Many times we think before we speak.
We act before we pause and ask God as to what we should do.
We can get so "full of ourselves" that we go ahead of God's timing and direction.
God's calls us to wait upon him.
Just a thought for a Tuesday.

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