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Wednesday, July 23, 2014


Elie Wiesel once wrote, "God made man because He loves stories."
One of my favorite things to do is to listen to people's stories.
Where they have been.  What they have done.  Their ups and downs from the past.
Everyone's story is unique.  Personal. 
Your story is important.
As we studied last Sunday, Jesus said, "But you will receive power (dunamis; dynamite) when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth."  Acts 1:8
Jesus said, "You will be my witnesses."
Not my bible teachers.
Not my ushers.
Not my ministry leaders.
Not my pastors, teachers, apostles, leaders.
Not my deacons or elders.
And that is all well and good - in fact, very good.
But "witnesses."
Not my defense attorneys.
Not my prosecuting attorneys.
There is a big difference between an attorney and a witness.  The purpose of an attorney is to prosecute or defend.  They are always pushing for a decision (Hey, I know, I watched Law and Order :) ). 
"You did this.  You did that.  You didn't do this."
God doesn't need defense attorneys for him.
He doesn't need us to push people for a decision, a verdict.  To pressure them to accept Him.
What does a witness do?
He tells what he knows.  He tells a story, his or her story.
When you witness for Christ, you don't have to know the entire Bible.  You don't have to go to seminary.   You don't have to get your ministerial credentials.  You simply share what you know about Jesus.  Your story.
How Jesus changed your life.  What he means to you.  How he guides you day by day.  How he gives you strength to face your trials and courage to conquer your fears.  How he found you in your sin and gave you a brand new life.  Your role is not to convince people - that's the Holy Spirit's job.  Your role is to believe in what you believe, to share your story and let people see the change in your life.
Just a thought for a Wednesday.

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