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Tuesday, July 28, 2015

A Good Positive Day

Whenever I get  my haircut, my barber always tells me (as I walk out the door), "You go have a good positive day."
I like that.
My desire for you is that you have a good positive day.
Here's what I know:  A good positive day is rooted and grounded in not only having a good positive self-image but having a right understanding of your self-worth.
Please meditate on this thought:  Your self-worth is authentic self-esteem rooted in  your uniqueness as a child of God.   (Quote from Tommy Newberry).
We must continually remind ourselves that we are "fearfully and wonderfully made."  (Psalms 139:14).
God has a plan and God has a purpose for your life.  That's God's Word - and you and I are to trust God's word more than the words of others to understand our true worth as a person.
David writes in Psalms 8:4,5:  "What is  man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him?  You made him a little lower than the heavenly beings and crowned him with glory and honor."
Your self-worth, my self-worth is based upon our identity as a person who was created and is loved by God, unconditionally.
And as you realize who you really are in Christ (not based on your performance or on what others say about you) that positions you for success.
I encourage you to pray the prayer below and mediate on what it truly means to be a loved, accepted child of God today.
Here's the prayer:  "Father, I praise you that you made me as "one of a kind."  There is nobody else in the world who is exactly like me.  Let me be, this day, the masterpiece you created me to be.  Thank you for making me in your likeness.  Allow me, this day, to see myself as you see me, to see that I am significant, to see that you do have your hand on me.  Keep my focus on you and on what you have in store for me.  Protect me from obsessing about my failures and help me to remember my victories!  I am a child of yours.  I love you, Lord.  Amen."
Just a thought for a Tuesday.

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